SB-4-Seismic Bracing Value Proposition


Learn when to promote rigid bracing over cable bracing and understand the advantages of Eaton's TOLCO seismic universal fittings, offering a universal product solution and the value of experience and service provided by seismic bracing experts. 0:46 What makes Eaton's TOLCO seismic bracing solution stand out? 1:10 Differentiating features 1:56 Labor savings 2:03 Brace assemblies 2:40 Anchor points 2:50 Brace location 3:24 Universal swivel sway brace attachment 4:20 Fast attach universal swivel sway brace attachment 5:10 Rigid bracing vs. cable bracing 5:54 Cable sway brace attachments 6:34 Universal product applications 7:46 Universal products vs. kits 8:54 Visual verification 10:38 Seismic engineering organization 11:32 Summary

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SB-4-Seismic Bracing Value Proposition

Learn when to promote rigid bracing over cable bracing and understand the advantages of Eaton's TOLCO seismic universal fittings, offering a universal product solution and the value of experience and service provided by seismic bracing experts. 0:46 What makes Eaton's TOLCO seismic bracing solution stand out? 1:10 Differentiating features 1:56 Labor savings 2:03 Brace assemblies 2:40 Anchor points 2:50 Brace location 3:24 Universal swivel sway brace attachment 4:20 Fast attach universal swivel sway brace attachment 5:10 Rigid bracing vs. cable bracing 5:54 Cable sway brace attachments 6:34 Universal product applications 7:46 Universal products vs. kits 8:54 Visual verification 10:38 Seismic engineering organization 11:32 Summary

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