Electrical contractor series working in healthcare facilities: Performing work on the electrical system
Working with ASHE, American Society for Health Care Engineering, Eaton has created video training for electricians or electrical contractors working in health care facilities. This video focuses on performing work on the electrical system in health care facilities and hospitals. Erik Hurd, Eaton Experience Center engineer, hosts this four-video series on contractor training. Topics include: electrical safety, NFPA, NEC, NFPA 70, NFPA 99, Health care facilities code, centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS), essential electrical system (EES), health care facilities, hospitals, clinics, urgent care, doctor office, dentist, surgery center, imaging center, university medical center, nursing homes, test labs, rehab centers, medical office buildings, rehab centers, defend in place, arc flash, PPE, equipment branch, critical branch, life safety branch, backup generators, transfer switches, ATS, standby power, uninterruptable power supplies (UPS), NFPA 110, standard for emergency and standby power systems, emergency power supply system (EPSS), Hill Burton Act, NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, the Joint Commission, JCAHO, standby power, uninterruptable power supplies (UPS), NFPA 110, standard for emergency and standby power systems, emergency power supply system (EPSS), Hill Burton Act, NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, the Joint Commission, JCAHO, power quality, arc quenching switchgear, arc flash solutions, shock hazards, electrical troubleshooting, planning work, preparation, lock out tag out, LOTO, arc flash labels, arc flash boundary, ICRA, infection control risk assessment
Working with ASHE, American Society for Health Care Engineering, Eaton has created video training for electricians or electrical contractors working in health care facilities. This video focuses on performing work on the electrical system in health care facilities and hospitals. Erik Hurd, Eaton Experience Center engineer, hosts this four-video series on contractor training. Topics include: electrical safety, NFPA, NEC, NFPA 70, NFPA 99, Health care facilities code, centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS), essential electrical system (EES), health care facilities, hospitals, clinics, urgent care, doctor office, dentist, surgery center, imaging center, university medical center, nursing homes, test labs, rehab centers, medical office buildings, rehab centers, defend in place, arc flash, PPE, equipment branch, critical branch, life safety branch, backup generators, transfer switches, ATS, standby power, uninterruptable power supplies (UPS), NFPA 110, standard for emergency and standby power systems, emergency power supply system (EPSS), Hill Burton Act, NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, the Joint Commission, JCAHO, standby power, uninterruptable power supplies (UPS), NFPA 110, standard for emergency and standby power systems, emergency power supply system (EPSS), Hill Burton Act, NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, the Joint Commission, JCAHO, power quality, arc quenching switchgear, arc flash solutions, shock hazards, electrical troubleshooting, planning work, preparation, lock out tag out, LOTO, arc flash labels, arc flash boundary, ICRA, infection control risk assessment
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Arc Quenching Switchgear video series: How does Arc Quenching Switchgear work?
Learn more about Arc Quenching Switchgear from our educational video series. In our first video, see Adams Baker, Eaton’s Arc Quenching Switchgear expert, demonstrate how this state-of-the-art switchgear operates to extinguish an arc flash.