Protecting what matters - home surge teaser
As electronic components have become smaller and more powerful, they have also become more vulnerable to electrical surges. Safeguard your appliances, electronics and much more with Eaton surge protection solutions.
As electronic components have become smaller and more powerful, they have also become more vulnerable to electrical surges. Safeguard your appliances, electronics and much more with Eaton surge protection solutions.
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Protecting what matters - home surge
As electronic components have become smaller and more powerful, they have also become more vulnerable to electrical surges. Safeguard your appliances, electronics and much more with Eaton surge protection solutions. Learn more at
Home safety using Eaton's whole home surge protective solutions
David Smith discusses home safety and surge solutions
Tamper-resistant surge receptacles
Eaton's tamper-resistant (TR) surge receptacles are designed to provide Type-3 surge protection for valuable electronics.