SAP Labs France chooses Eaton to provide storage for locally generated photovoltaic energy
SAP Labs France is an R&D subsidiary of the market leader in enterprise software and one of the pioneers in the electrification of corporate vehicle fleets. To allow its employees to recharge their vehicles at work, the company has set up numerous charging stations at its various sites. With the implementation of the Eaton xStorage Compact energy storage system coupled with smart charging and locally generated photovoltaic energy, SAP Labs has doubled the turnover rate of its vehicles and its charging capacity.
SAP Labs France is an R&D subsidiary of the market leader in enterprise software and one of the pioneers in the electrification of corporate vehicle fleets. To allow its employees to recharge their vehicles at work, the company has set up numerous charging stations at its various sites. With the implementation of the Eaton xStorage Compact energy storage system coupled with smart charging and locally generated photovoltaic energy, SAP Labs has doubled the turnover rate of its vehicles and its charging capacity.
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