AT Systems future-proofs the electrical installation of a sewage treatment plant with Eaton products


AT system set up a modern, cost-effective power supply and control system for a new municipal wastewater treatment plant. The future-proof and energy-efficient electrical installation which can be remotely monitored. They implemented: XV300 HMI-PLC with GALILEO visualization software, xEnergy Light enclosures, NZM & xPole circuit breakers, PKZ motor protection circuit breakers, DG1 variable frequency drives, DS7 soft starters, DILM contactors, LN disconnectors, RMQ pilot devices and 5E UPS. sewage treatment plant

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AT Systems future-proofs the electrical installation of a sewage treatment plant with Eaton products

AT system set up a modern, cost-effective power supply and control system for a new municipal wastewater treatment plant. The future-proof and energy-efficient electrical installation which can be remotely monitored. They implemented: XV300 HMI-PLC with GALILEO visualization software, xEnergy Light enclosures, NZM & xPole circuit breakers, PKZ motor protection circuit breakers, DG1 variable frequency drives, DS7 soft starters, DILM contactors, LN disconnectors, RMQ pilot devices and 5E UPS. sewage treatment plant

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