How to select the right wire basket tray
0:00 - Intro 0:17 - Flextray advantages 0:32 - Flextray wire basket load chart 0:39 - Flextray vs. other wire basket trays When it comes to cable management, it is imperative to understand the quality and reliability of the tray. Eaton’s B-Line series Flextray wire basket tray and splices out performs many other mesh trays, helping ensure the integrity and quality of cable pathways. Flextray wire basket tray and splices were tested in accordance with NEMA 1. Eaton’s B-Line series Flextray wire basket system provides consistency with wire diameters and loads. This allows for predictability and reliability of performance, making Flextray ideal for carrying fiber optic, data, control cables and conductors in commercial, institutional and data center applications.
0:00 - Intro 0:17 - Flextray advantages 0:32 - Flextray wire basket load chart 0:39 - Flextray vs. other wire basket trays When it comes to cable management, it is imperative to understand the quality and reliability of the tray. Eaton’s B-Line series Flextray wire basket tray and splices out performs many other mesh trays, helping ensure the integrity and quality of cable pathways. Flextray wire basket tray and splices were tested in accordance with NEMA 1. Eaton’s B-Line series Flextray wire basket system provides consistency with wire diameters and loads. This allows for predictability and reliability of performance, making Flextray ideal for carrying fiber optic, data, control cables and conductors in commercial, institutional and data center applications.
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