What is a var or kvar - reactive or imaginary power explained
What is a var or kvar? For engineers, electricians or anyone dealing with electricity, we ask them to take a leap of faith to believe and therefore understand electricity - something that we can’t see - but then we even go one step further to ask them to believe in imaginary power which, by definition, doesn’t exist – or does it? For us to understand what reactive or imaginary power is, this video focuses on the technical definition as well as several analogies so that hopefully, we can all come to an understanding of what a var or kvar really is. At Eaton's Power Systems Experience Center (PSEC), you can learn all about capacitors, inductors and reactive power and power factor (PF).
What is a var or kvar? For engineers, electricians or anyone dealing with electricity, we ask them to take a leap of faith to believe and therefore understand electricity - something that we can’t see - but then we even go one step further to ask them to believe in imaginary power which, by definition, doesn’t exist – or does it? For us to understand what reactive or imaginary power is, this video focuses on the technical definition as well as several analogies so that hopefully, we can all come to an understanding of what a var or kvar really is. At Eaton's Power Systems Experience Center (PSEC), you can learn all about capacitors, inductors and reactive power and power factor (PF).
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